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Ayaka with Shenhe | 100k per tick
C0R1 Ayaka Brust 100K per ticks , No reaction (with C0+Jade Shenhe)
Ayaka C0R1 100k/Tick | Showcase Damage - Genshin Impact
C0 Shenhe with C0 R1 Ayaka Burst 110k per tick
Ayaka 100K per tick burst damage
85k per Burst Tick Ayaka DMG w/ SHENHE | 300 CRIT DMG plus BUILD
Ayaka burst 110k damage per tick - No Shenhe (with full team build details)
C0 Ayaka 100k per burst tick vs Raiden Shogun
C6 R1 Ayaka Hit 100k per Q tick!
Kamisato Ayaka Showcase | No Shenhe 100k per tick
C0 Ayaka Per Tick 75K Burst | No Shenhe | Genshin Impact
C4 Ayaka hitting 100K per tick damage from her burst (No Shenhe, No food buff, No Essential Oil)